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You’re designed by nature. So are our products.

A formulation of 10 plus powerfuls phytonutrients, plus electrolytes, plus vitamins. No added sugar, non-GMO, vegan friendly, and gluten-free.

More than just expensive salt.
Revive, Replenish, Repeat.

Potent active compounds and antioxidants that enhance athletic performance and recovery. They offer anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective properties, improve muscle strength and recovery, reduce exercise-induced muscle damage, and support cognitive function. They further help in managing fatigue and pain, while promoting energy metabolism and overall wellness, making them beneficial for athletes and physically active individuals.

Electrolytes, are crucial for hydration, especially during sustained exercise, as they maintain fluid balance and support nerve function. They replenish what’s lost through sweat, preventing cramps and fatigue. This makes them indispensable for muscle function, energy synthesis, and peak athletic performance, while also bolstering brain health and mental clarity.

Vitamin B complex supports metabolism, red blood cell production, and nerve health, vital for anyone with an active lifestyles. These benefits work in tandem with Vitamin C, known for its powerful antioxidant properties, essential for strengthening the immune system and repairing tissues. Together, Vitamin B Complex and Vitamin C play a complementary role in ensuring a resilient system for peak performance and recovery.

Clean & Pure

Panax Ginseng supplementation could be beneficial for athletes, enhancing muscle strength and speeding up recovery during eccentric exercises. A 2020 study in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research showed athletes experienced less exertion, regaining full muscle strength in 24 hours compared to 48 hours in a placebo group.


Turmeric/Curcumin, with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties has been shown to enhance physical performance. Benefits are observed in both acute and chronic exercises, with potential improvements in muscle function. It may also mitigate oxidative stress in mitochondria, augmenting endurance, strength, and overall well-being.


Moringa oleifera leaf extract, high in antioxidants, may help manage fatigue and muscle damage from intense exercise by balancing reactive oxygen species and antioxidant defenses. A study showed improved swimming performance and biochemical parameters over 28 days, indicating its potential in enhancing exercise performance. However, individual responses to its efficacy can vary.


Green Tea Extract (GTE) enhances exercise performance and recovery for athletes, particularly by boosting fat metabolism during endurance training. Short-term supplementation could improve aerobic performance. GTE offers anti-inflammatory benefits, and enhances neuromuscular function. GTE is also effective in reducing muscle damage and oxidative stress, especially in athletes facing cumulative fatigue.


Studies indicate that ginger consumption may help alleviate muscle pain, potentially improving moderate exercise outcomes. Ginger is also linked to increased muscle glycogen, potentially enhancing endurance, and accelerating muscle strength recovery after intense workouts. Its historical use as a natural analgesic reinforces ginger’s emerging role in boosting exercise performance and recovery.


Morinda citrifolia, or noni, can contribute to enhanced athletic performance with benefits like improved angiogenesis, mitochondrial biogenesis, and heightened antioxidant and anti-inflammatory responses. These collectively may boost endurance, positioning noni as a potential ergogenic aid. Traditionally known for therapeutic effects, noni also indirectly supports physical health and recovery.


Panax Ginseng has shown the potential to fast-track muscle recovery post-workout. It has also been studied for its ability to ease muscle damage and inflammation post-exercise, and its uplifting effects on chronic fatigue.


 Turmeric/Curcumin has been shown to accelerate post-exercise recovery by reducing muscle damage and pain. Its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects combat exercise-induced muscle damage and oxidative stress. Curcumin may also enhance muscle function, alleviate inflammation, and support gastrointestinal health.


Moringa possesses strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities. It inhibits nitric oxide linked to inflammation and reduces molecules promoting inflammation. As an antioxidant, it scavenges free radicals, lessening oxidative stress. Enhanced when combined with substances like curcumin, Moringa is especially valuable for managing oxidative stress and inflammation.


Green coffee bean extract when combined with curcumin significantly improves muscle recovery and reduces pain after eccentric exercise, surpassing the effects of each compound alone. This innovative approach promises enhanced post-exercise recovery and quicker healing of acute muscle injuries for fitness enthusiasts.


Red ginger extract aids in post-exercise recovery by enhancing muscle strength and reducing Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS). Consuming it before physical activity can also decrease muscle pain during moderate workouts. Regular supplementation with ginger is linked to significant reductions in muscle pain following strenuous exercise.


Emerging research indicates that Kencur (Aromatic ginger) supplementation could hasten muscle strength recovery post-strenuous exercise, with significant enhancements seen within 48 hours. Kaempferia galanga, rooted in Ayurvedic tradition for treating pain and swelling, hints at potential for easing exercise-related discomfort and aiding athletic recovery.


Scientific and traditional evidence indicate that Morinda citrifolia (noni) may enhance athletic recovery and performance. Its anti-inflammatory properties, mitochondrial biogenesis promotion, and antioxidant capacity work together to ease post-exercise muscle inflammation, regulate energy, and reduce oxidative stress from intense physical activity, collectively improving recovery.


Tamarind (Tamarindus indica) is recognized for its potential in facilitating athletic recovery, with traditional uses as an anti-inflammatory and analgesic to alleviate post-exercise pain and inflammation. Additionally, its seeds are valued for enhancing carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, which may assist in energy restoration and muscle repair post-activity, supporting overall recovery processes in athletes.


Panax Ginseng has been showcased in many studies for its neuroprotective qualities and enhancing cognitive functions. With over 2000 years of use as a traditional remedy, it’s recognized for its antianxiety, antidepressant, and cognition-boosting traits.


Curcumin has shown a 28% improvement in memory over 18 months (UCLA Study), suggesting its role in reducing brain inflammation linked to Alzheimer’s and depression. Studies also reveal its potential in increasing brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), indicating effectiveness against neurological disorders and enhancing cognitive function through neuroprotection.


Recent research reveals that Green Coffee Extract can significantly boost plasma Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) levels, a critical protein for neuronal health, by approximately 31%, indicating its potential benefits for cognitive function.


Green tea extract improves cognitive function, enhancing memory, attention, and overall brain function, especially through the synergistic effects of caffeine and l-theanine. It increases brain wave activity, indicating greater alertness and attention, and supports brain connectivity during memory tasks. Additionally, it may protect against cognitive decline and brain aging.


Red ginger, renowned in Asian traditional medicine and rich in antioxidants, shows promise in enhancing cognitive health. Its bioactive compounds may help manage age-related memory loss and Alzheimer’s disease by addressing oxidative stress linked to cognitive decline, indicating its potential in supporting cognitive functions during aging.


Morinda citrifolia extract, traditionally known for its role in neurological therapies, offers cognitive and neuroprotective benefits. Studies suggest that noni supports brain health, improving cognitive function and protecting against stress-induced impairments. This aligns with traditional uses, indicating noni’s potential in enhancing brain function and guarding against neurodegenerative conditions.

Electrolytes +

Sodium is crucial for hydration and muscle function as it maintains fluid balance in the body, especially during sweating. By attracting water into cells, it prevents dehydration and its associated issues like fatigue, muscle cramps, and headaches. Adequate sodium levels ensure proper muscle contraction, warding off cramps and fatigue.

Potassium, essential for hydration and muscle function, regulates fluid balance in the body, working alongside sodium to retain water in cells, especially during sweating, preventing dehydration and related issues like fatigue and muscle cramps.

Magnesium, a key electrolyte, aids in hydration by regulating fluid balance and cell hydration, and facilitating water and nutrient transport. Its loss through sweating can lead to dehydration, muscle cramps, fatigue, and headaches, while its presence ensures proper muscle function, contraction, and relaxation, preventing cramps and spasms.


Panax Ginseng is associated with multiple health benefits, including boosting immunity, lowering blood sugar levels, and alleviating inflammation. Its overall health-promoting effects are attributed to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, primarily due to the presence of ginsenosides.


Curcumin, boasts multiple scientifically-backed health benefits. It’s notably revered for potent anti-inflammatory qualities, tackling chronic inflammation linked to serious ailments like heart disease. Turmeric may combat metabolic syndrome, indirectly benefiting blood glucose control. Though not directly tied to immunity enhancement, its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial traits could bolster immune response.


Moringa shows promise as a herbal alternative for chronic neuropathic pain management, potentially lessening dependence on conventional analgesics. It alleviates neuropathic pain, offers neuroprotection, glycemic control, and antinociceptive effects. With hepatoprotective flavonoids like quercetin, it enhances liver function and ulcer prevention. Moringa also bolsters the immune system and may improve blood sugar regulation, highlighting its diverse health benefits.


Green Tea Extract (GTE) provides diverse health benefits: it has anti-inflammatory properties, improves cardiovascular health by bettering blood pressure, lipid profiles, and glycemic control, and enhances blood sugar regulation. Additionally, GTE potentially boosts cognitive function, aids in obesity management, and may help prevent neurodegenerative diseases.


Wild mint, also known as Mentha arvensis, has a long history in traditional medicine for treating conditions like hypertension, stomach issues, and allergies. Contemporary scientific studies validate several of these applications, especially its antimicrobial, antidiabetic, and anti-inflammatory properties.

Red ginger, with its immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory properties, can boost athletes’ health by enhancing immune resistance and reducing inflammation-related discomfort. Its antioxidants protect against chronic conditions and aging, while also supporting cardiovascular health. Additionally, ginger aids in regulating blood sugar and lipid levels, offering metabolic benefits.


Traditionally valued in Indonesia, Kencur—Kaempferia galanga—is renowned for its therapeutic properties. An integral component of the herbal drink beras kencur, this plant’s bioactive compound, Ethyl p-methoxycinnamate, contributes to its anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antioxidant, and antimicrobial attributes, underscoring its role in both culinary and traditional medicine spheres for overall health and disease management.


For over two millennia, Morinda citrifolia, or noni, has been valued for its health benefits, particularly its potent antioxidant activity that combats oxidative stress. Documented in Polynesian medicine for its anti-inflammatory properties, especially in pain management, noni also shows promise in regulating blood glucose levels.


Studies support Tamarind extracts function in reducing inflammation and pain, which aligns with its traditional medicinal uses. Tamarind seeds also enhance carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, positively impacting blood sugar levels and metabolic health.

Electrolytes +

Calcium is essential for athletes, bolstering bone strength for injury prevention, regulating muscle contractions for performance and strength, and aiding cardiovascular health. It also plays a role in weight management by influencing fat storage hormones. These multifaceted benefits of calcium are crucial for athletes’ overall health, performance, and recovery.

Iron deficiency can significantly affect athletic performance by diminishing oxygen delivery to muscles and reducing energy production, which can lead to fatigue and decreased endurance. It’s crucial for athletes, especially those with higher risks such as females or endurance athletes, to monitor and maintain proper iron levels through diet or supplementation when necessary.

Maintaining sufficient zinc levels is key to optimizing these functions. Insufficient zinc can compromise immune function, muscle repair, and hormonal balance, thereby impacting athletic performance and progression. It’s important for athletes to ensure adequate zinc intake through diet or supplementation as needed.


For active individuals, Vitamin B complex supports essential functions: B1 aids carbohydrate to energy conversion; B2 is involved in red blood cell production; B3 helps release energy from food; B5 is crucial for nutrient metabolism; B6 assists in amino acid metabolism and red cell formation. 
Increased exertion may require higher amounts due to increased energy demands and nutrient loss through sweat. Supplementing with B vitamins can ensure that these increased needs are met, supporting energy levels, recovery, and overall athletic performance.

For active individuals, Vitamin C serves as a key player in immune defense and the repair of body tissues, which is particularly critical for those engaging in rigorous training. It acts as an antioxidant, potentially curbing the free radical damage induced by intense workouts.

We source ingredients from over 200 Indonesian farmers, chosen for optimal growing location, soil quality, and sustainable practices.
Wherever you sweat,
recover 10+
Local Temp: Bali
102 F / 38 C

Get More From Nature. It’s Jamulicious.

Naturally Explosive.

All our ingredients are sourced from a region of Indonesia formed by a series of Volcanic eruptions. The end result, a soil that acts as a natural fertilizer, packed full of macronutrients and minerals essential to quality plant based ingredients.

It’s a Jungle Out There.

Indonesia boasts the second highest level of biodiversity in the world. It is one of the 17 megadiverse countries and hosts two of the world’s 25 biodiversity hotspots. This biodiversity coupled with its equatorial climate create the perfect incubator for nutrient rich plant life.

Tested by Time.

All the ingredients found in tenplus are inspired by Jamu, the 1,300-year-old practice of traditional Indonesian herbal remedies. Jamu is predominantly a herbal medicine made from natural materials, such as roots, bark, flowers, seeds, leaves and fruits.

Quality is our DNA

Locally sourced ingredients

Our ingredients are locally sourced from 200+ farmers in Indonesia. This allows us to ensure that only highest quality ingredients make it into every sachet. We enhance the potency of our phytonutrients in tenplus by exclusively using ingredients that are readily absorbable and nutrient rich.

BPOM GMP Certified Facility

Our products are made in a Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan (BPOM) GMP certified facility. BPOM is the Indonesian equivalent to the FDA.

Founded in traditional medicine

Our expertise in Jamu, a traditional Indonesian medicine, ensures that all our products are produced to meet the stringent standards required by various global government agencies, demonstrating our commitment to quality and trustworthiness.