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Our Story

Tenplus: A Decade in Paradise

Our founders have spent over a decade thriving in Indonesia’s lush environment. With temperatures around 31ºC (88ºF) and high humidity, our journey has been about more than just living – it’s been about discovering how to excel in these challenging conditions.

From Traditional Jamu to Modern Performance

Our roots are deeply embedded in the production and distribution of Jamu – Indonesia’s traditional herbal medicine. This experience has provided us with unique insights into the power of local herbs and their potential to enhance wellness and performance, both in Indonesia and globally.

The Birth of Tenplus

Tenplus emerged from the fusion of our tropical lifestyle and our deep understanding of phytonutrients. We saw an opportunity to create something special: a product that caters to both wellness enthusiasts and performance-driven athletes.

Tenplus: For Performance and Well-Being

Each Tenplus sachet is a carefully formulated blend of phytonutrients, vitamins, and electrolytes. It’s designed to support those who strive for peak performance in athletic pursuits or daily life, even in demanding climates.

Your Partner in Climatic Challenges

Tenplus is here to support your journey, whether you’re pushing your limits in athletic training or seeking to maintain peak condition in your everyday life. Embrace the elements, enhance your performance, and join us in celebrating the power of Indonesia’s natural heritage.

Redefine your limits,
Philip & Dylan
Founders, Tenplus


Indonesia's Natural Performance Booster for Athletes and the Health-Minded

Jamu, Indonesia’s ancient herbal medicine, is a testament to the country’s rich natural health heritage.

This traditional practice blends roots, leaves, and fruits, symbolizing the vibrant biodiversity of Indonesia. Jamu’s essence is embodied by the iconic Mbok Jamu, who delivers these potent remedies across the archipelago, keeping the tradition alive and integral to Indonesian culture.

Dating back over a thousand years to the Mataram Kingdom, Jamu draws inspiration from Ayurvedic practices, but stands unique due to Indonesia’s extensive biodiversity. This vast natural variety has given rise to numerous regional Jamu recipes, passed down through generations, each tailored to harness specific health benefits.

For modern athletes and fitness enthusiasts, Jamu offers natural enhancement for performance and recovery. Celebrated for its health-supportive properties, its popularity is especially notable in Bali, where a growing community of health-conscious individuals embraces Jamu for its wellness benefits. This resurgence highlights Jamu’s versatility and its ability to bridge age-old practices with contemporary health and fitness goals.

As athletes and health-minded individuals lean into Jamu, they tap into a storied tradition of natural well-being. By harnessing nature’s bounty, they achieve peak performance and recovery, integrating the time-honored benefits of Jamu into their modern fitness routines. This synergy of ancient wisdom and modern health aspirations underscores the enduring relevance and potency of Jamu in today’s wellness culture.